مناهج التمييز بين الأصول والفروع في العقيدة، والشريعة، والأخلاق عند أهل السنة والجماعة
Allegations on a group or society sector being labeled as bidaah, fasiq or defiant and as a non-believers has long been in the Muslim groups, whereas all these allegations had caused unrest in the Muslim society thus encouraging the disunity of Muslims in various countries which most of the time res...
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Summary: | Allegations on a group or society sector being labeled as bidaah, fasiq or defiant and as a non-believers has long been in the Muslim groups, whereas all these allegations had caused unrest in the Muslim society thus encouraging the disunity of Muslims in various countries which most of the time resulted in civil war of which often end up in bloodshed and disastrous destruction. These situations often take place and unfavorably still happening in some Muslim countries. The main reasons for this disunity or significant disagreement among Muslim in various Mazhab and sectors are mainly because of lacks of knowledge to distinguished between Usul and Furu’ to the extent that they are unable to celebrate dissent with existing deviations. Knowledge of Usul and Furu’ in Islam is crucial in differentiate the variances in basic issues to the vice versa. Insufficient knowledge in this field will contributed to the wrong interpretation on some issues thus will make us failed to distinguish both elements and further tendency to fail in their judgements. This is because if someone misinterpreted Usul as Furu’ he will normally unable to identify defiance since he will only take into consideration that it’s only just a different opinion on something but on the other hand if he treated Furu’ as Usul he will opposes the differences since he has the tendency to accept them as defiance. The main core of Islam are Akidah, Syariah and Akhlak which unifying each other and at the same time complementing to each other in perfecting the Islamic religion. These elements contributed to the completeness of Islam which consists of both Usul and Furu’ Usuluddin is the core Islamic studies based on dalil Qoht’i either by Tsubut or Dilalah, which will never go wrong unless without notifications on its differentiation in its details. Any Muslims who practices something defiance from this core will falls into such obvious differences and manifest ashtray. Therefore Usuluddin comprises of issues on Aqidah, Syariah as well as Akhlak. No Muslim in regards to any sector is allowed to be differentiated in Usul Aqidah and Usul Syariah as well as Usul Akhlak since all of them are the main cores in Islamic teachings. Meanwhile, Furu’uddin is the teachings based on dalil Zhonni either thru Tsubut or Dilalah, or those which derived from dalil Qoth’i thru Tsubut but Zhonni in nature thru Dilalah, which could be either right or wrong until distinguishly known based on pure dalil Syarie. This differentiate should not be taken as defiant in Syarak. Verily that Furu’uddin is also comprises on issues of Aqidah and Syariah as well as Akhlak which is allowed to be varies in interpretation in Furu’ Aqidah and Furu’ Syariah as well as Furu’ Akhlak since none of them are main issues in Islamic teachings. There are also issue known as Usul Mazhab which derives from the principles of dalil Zhonni thru Tsubut but Qoth’i in nature thru Dilalah which are acceptable by many Mazhab and accepted by them as their practice whilst others not, therefore its acceptance is in line with Furu’uddin whereby those who differs does not belong to the said Mazhab but still recognized as Muslims. Therefore, the ability to interpret issues on Usul and Furu’ in Islamic teachings is key to distinguish between the main core and noncore in Islamic teachings and the ability to identify both the differences and defiance to the extent of tolerating differences and rejecting defiant. Verily that Allah is to whom we shall seeks help and there will be no guidance but at the mercy of Allah the Gracious and the Greatest. |