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1by عواودة، محمد حسين حمدSubjects: “...Suretyship and guaranty (Islamic law)...”
Published 2007
Thesis -
2by حشاش، وائل عبد الكريم حسنSubjects: “...Suretyship and guaranty (Islamic law)...”
Published 2001
Thesis -
3by محمد، محمد نجدات محمدSubjects: “...Suretyship and guaranty (Islamic law)...”
Published 2003
Thesis -
4by Suhaimi bin Abdul RahmanSubjects: “...Suretyship and guaranty (Islamic law) 7594...”
Published 2005
Thesis -
5by قرم، سليمان أحمد محمدSubjects: “...Suretyship and guaranty (Islamic law)...”
Published 2003
Thesis -
6by Nur Azizah RoslanSubjects: “...Suretyship and guaranty (Islamic law)....”
Published 2017
Thesis Book -
7Ahkam tadmin al-sina' wa ashab al-mihan fi al-fiqh al-Islami /أحكام تضمين الصناع وأصحاب المهن في الفقه الاسلامي /by al-Hashshash, Wa'il 'Abd al-Karim HasanSubjects: “...Suretyship and guaranty (Islamic law)...”
Published 2001
Thesis Book -
8al-Nizam al-qanuni li-khitabat al-daman al-masrafiyah : dirasah muqaranah bi-al-fiqh al-Islami /النظام القانونى لخطابات الضمان المصرفية : دراسة مقارنة بالفقه الإسلامي /by 'Umar, Sulayman Ramadan MuhammadSubjects: “...Suretyship and guaranty (Islamic law)...”
Published 2001
Thesis Book -
9by عمر، سليمان رمضان محمد محمدSubjects: “...Suretyship and guaranty (Islamic law)...”
Published 2001
Thesis Book